ABout Allingham Management

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About Us

Our Story

The biggest issue striking the music industry right now is the lack of knowledge. People that work hard and put passion into their work only to be shut down and never given a chance. The lack of funding shouldn’t directly relate to whether or not you gain access to the information needed to succeed in this industry and should not determine if you receive help.

Here at Allingham Management we realize this struggle and work toward educating people as to the ins and outs of the industry while also being here to act as a helping hand. We work to maximize your results through consults, educational tools, and management. Our goal is to help you get your music to where it should be and not left behind and collecting dust.


No Artist Should Be Abandoned, Regardless Of Income Or Social Status.

We teach and help artists reach their musical and creative goals and give them the opportunity to make money while doing it.

No artist should be abandoned, regardless of income or social status. We are here to ensure you get out of the melting pot of unheard music and into the spotlight where you will be helped onto the right track toward success.


Who We are


We like what you’re doing and want to help people!


We come to work on time and ready to take on the day!


We try to go above and beyond to achieve the best results!

Our Team

Meet Our Experienced Talent Management Experts

Schedule a Consultation Today

Start Your Journey to Talent Excellence

Unlock the potential of your artistry! Schedule a consultation today and take the first step towards realizing your dreams. Don’t wait any longer to make your mark in the industry. Click here to schedule your consultation now!”

Ben Allingham

My name is Benjamin Allingham. I graduated from Algonquin College in 2021 for Music Industry Arts with Honours. Prior to graduating I had been releasing music internationally for 3 years and learned a lot about the ins and outs of the industry. Throughout my time at Algonquin, I took the time to hone in on management and have spent the past 8 months working alongside Managers across Canada to help better understand how to help those in need of guidance. My expertise within the music industry is currently more analytical and contractual but I am continuously learning more about how to best help artists to succeed, be it performing live, streaming, merchandising, marketing, organisation, or all the above. I created Allingham Management with the purpose of showing people that regardless of budget or background, anyone can take charge and follow their passions. Focussed on education and perseverance, we help give artists the tools to build their own success and ensure we are here and ready to give out a helping hand whenever and wherever is needed.